Abortion pills

Abortion pills

call or wasp Dr.Themba Abortion Clinic 0724489024

Safe abortion pills are available to women who do not wish to have a baby. These pills work by causing mild contractions which help expel the fetus in a very safe way, as long as you take them according to instructions.

The safety of abortion pills is the main concern for all women. Termination pills  are highly effective and safe for ending a pregnancy up to 49 days after the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). In fact, it is only one of the safest medical procedures available. The risks associated with taking medical pills are generally low, and they can be taken safely at home without medical supervision.

How safe is Termination pills

Abortion Clinic Pretoria/ Womb Cleaning


Abortion pills are very safe. The pills usually cause bleeding and cramping and may take a few days to complete the abortion. There are many different types of abortion pills, which vary in their side effects and dosing requirements.

When used properly, abortion pills are fairly safe. However, the pills can sometimes cause bleeding and cramping and may take a while to complete the abortion.

They are safer than the other method of abortion. The pills are used to end early pregnancy (up to 9 weeks) only and you cannot use them after that. They work by stopping pregnancy hormones from reaching your uterus and causing it to break down and shed the lining of the uterus.

The abortion pill is safe. It works by blocking progesterone, the hormone that supports pregnancy, which then causes the lining of the uterus to break down and shed. The medical procedure has got other component of this medication , which causes contractions that will bring about an early miscarriage. These pills are 90-95% effective at ending an early pregnancy.

How to access the abortion pills online 

If you’re thinking about ordering abortion pills online, ask yourself this question first: Are they safe? The answer to that is a solid yes. Abortion pills are a safe and effective way to terminate an early pregnancy. These medications is available call or wasp +27724489024.The doctor uses these drugs to safely end a pregnancy in the first nine weeks of gestation, or 63 days from the start of your last menstrual period.

Abortion pills are one of the safest ways to end an early pregnancy. They are also illegal in many states, but legal in (south africa)which means that most women who want to end a pregnancy must travel long distances and sometimes pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars/rands to get safe abortion care.

Abortions are safe and very effective. You can buy abortion pills online at a discounted price on our website.https://abortionclinicpretoria.co.za or call /wasp +27724489024

Abortion pills are very safe when you take them as per instructions. Abortion pills have been tested and studied extensively and are highly effective if used properly.

The odds of having an abortion have improved considerably over the last 20 years. The risk of death is less than 0.5% and complications occur in less than 2%.

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